10 Downing Street

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10 Downing Street10 Downing Street
  1. 10 Downing Street is the British Prime Minister 's official residence .


  2. Question is , who is going to live at 10 Downing Street ?


  3. Stepping out of 10 Downing Street , he looks every inch the prime minister .


  4. I hope that in moving from Number 11 to Number 10 Downing Street he understands that Europe is not outmoded .


  5. Outside 10 Downing Street on Tuesday , the prime minister spoke mainly to the rest of us , stating his resolution to restore order .


  6. Suddenly he was being invited to the White House by George W. Bush and to 10 Downing Street by Tony Blair .


  7. On Tuesday , Mr. Brown will welcome outgoing Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert to 10 Downing Street for talks .


  8. This week I was at the superangel summit organized by 10 Downing Street at the initiative of David Cameron .


  9. General Zia was invited to meet President Ronald Reagan at the White House and Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher at 10 Downing Street .


  10. Nearly a decade since Humphrey was shown the door to No. 10 Downing Street , the prime ministerial house has a cat in residence again .


  11. Mr Cameron is the youngest occupant of 10 Downing Street since the Napoleonic wars ( Tony Blair was older by a few months ) .


  12. He returned to 10 Downing Street for final farewells to staff member before heading to Buckingham Palace to formally hand in his resignation to the Queen .


  13. Larry , the current resident cat of Number 10 Downing Street , has the lofty title of Chief Mouser to the Cabinet Office , an official British governmental role .


  14. David Cameron used his final farewell speech as Prime Minister to pay tribute to his family , who he said had enjoyed six ' lovely ' years living in 10 Downing Street .


  15. Theresa May , the new Conservative Party leader , will become Britain 's second female prime minister on Wednesday , entering 10 Downing Street three weeks after Britain voted to leave the European Union .


  16. The house at 10 Downing Street has been the official residence of the prime minister since 1735 , but the Cameron family actually lives in more spacious quarters at 11 Downing Street .


  17. She and her husband , Philip , will most likely pose for a photo in front of 10 Downing Street with Mr. Cameron and his family , as their predecessors have done .


  18. British Prime Minister David Cameron unveiled the newest recruit to 10 Downing Street on Tuesday : a cat called Larry with a " very strong predatory drive " for catching rodents .


  19. A prime minister typically takes up official residence at 10 Downing Street upon getting the job , as Mr. Cameron did in 2010 , when his Conservative Party took power after 13 years of Labour Party government .


  20. There was a touch of pathos as he said that for years , when he visited 10 Downing Street , he had to come in via the back door , at the request of successive prime ministers .


  21. Yet while some British business leaders , such as Sir Richard Branson , have warned of the dangers of a UK break-up , most had to be pushed by 10 Downing Street into saying anything .


  22. Darling 's official residence is number 11 , next door to Brown 's 10 Downing Street home , but a spokesman for the incoming premier admitted in 2007 that the cat would have the run of both houses .


  23. As Mr Blair spoke , his wife Cherie , three of their four children and many of the prime minister 's closest aides looked on solemnly as their decade in 10 Downing Street drew to a close .


  24. According to the site , 10 Downing Street , which is a great party house and is able to host up to 60 dinner guests . Elysian Estates has it valued at 62000 pounds per night to rent .


  25. On Monday , after he announced the timetable of his departure and expressed his support for Ms. May , he was recorded jovially humming as he re-entered 10 Downing Street , seemingly relieved .


  26. In his time on St Helena he has seen 28 British governors come and go . Eight British monarchs from George IV to Elizabeth II have been crowned during his lifetime and 51 British Prime Ministers have served at 10 Downing Street .


  27. My God ! The statue of Christ is collapsing ! Fear and chaos have spread throughout the globe . As in London , where the 30th Olympic Games has been suspended . Hundreds of thousands are marching towards 10 Downing Street demanding a lift of the information proposed by the Prime Minister .


  28. Here is a man who is leaving office reluctantly after 10 years in Downing Street .
